nurture. play. inspire.
Call Us : 425.774.9439
Program History
The Child Care Providers Preschool Co-Op was formed back in 1975 as a child-centered preschool laboratory. Affiliated with Edmonds Community College CPPC provides the childcare community a opportunity to further their education in early childhood.
In the preschool classroom parents, providers and teachers become active partners in the children's education. Research supports the long-term benefits of this type of early learning community involvement.
Skilled Edmonds Community College faculty plan and implement learning opportunities for both providers and parents. Our skilled teachers provide a wonderful hands on learning environment for the children.
Program Goals
For the parents and providers:
To confidence in parenting skills.
To share individual ideas and concerns about child rearing.
To broaden our understanding of child rearing while building a network of mutual support.
To learn effective communication skills and child guidance strategies.
To develop and use leadership skills.
For the children:
To provide a safe, stimulating environment to encourage children's natural love of learning.
To provide a developmentally appropriate environment that promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development.
To offer the children individualized attention and support as they learn to communicate and problem solve with others.